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John Bridgman of AMD: Zen is on track and will be available in 4Q16
Inviato: domenica 12 giugno 2016, 15:32
da Fottemberg
Re: John Bridgman of AMD: Zen is on track and will be availa
Inviato: domenica 12 giugno 2016, 17:49
da dobermann77
My bet: 2017
Re: John Bridgman of AMD: Zen is on track and will be availa
Inviato: domenica 12 giugno 2016, 18:39
da george_p
e 28 nm
Re: John Bridgman of AMD: Zen is on track and will be availa
Inviato: lunedì 13 giugno 2016, 9:08
da gridracedriver
george_p ha scritto:e 28 nm
it's always been "the plan has always been to sample in 2016 and aim to start selling at the end of 2016, with real volume in 2017"
so dobby, you will say that was right
"His sources"