Ho verificato e testato.
Per installare OpenCascade estrarre il tutto con:
tar -xvf OpenCASCADE653.tar.gz
e piazzarti dentro la dir estratta:
cd ros/ (quella che nel file è chiamata CASROOT)
e poi segui la procedura:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Building Open CASCADE Technology on Linux
This file describes steps to build OCCT libraries from pre-processed source
(after WOK extraction or from complete source package) on Linux.
Before building OCCT, you need to install required third-party libraries; see
OCCT_Build3rdParty_Linux.pdf for details.
1. Enter the directory where source files of OCCT are located (CASROOT).
2. Launch build_configure script in order to generate configure and Makefile.in
files before launching configure step.
$ build_configure
3. Launch configure to generate make files.
$ ./configure <FLAGS>
Where <FLAGS> is a set of the following directives:
--with-tcl= defines location of tclConfig.sh
--with-tk= defines location of tkConfig.sh
--with-freetype= defines location of installed FreeType product
--with-ftgl= defines location of installed Ftgl product
--with-gl2ps= defines location of installed gl2ps product
--with-freeimage= defines location of installed FreeImage product
--with-tbb-include= defines location of tbb.h
--with-tbb-library= defines location of libtbb.so
--enable-debug= yes: includes debug information
no: does not include debug information
--enable-production= yes: switches code optimization
no: switches off code optimization
--prefix= defines location for the installation of OCCT binaries
Additional flags:
--disable-draw - allows OCCT building without Draw.
Building without optional products:
Open CASCADE technology will be built without optional products if you will not define the following options:
--with-tbb-include= --with-tbb-library= (without tbb),
--with-gl2ps= (without gl2ps)
--with-freeimage= (without freeimage)
Attention: 64-bit platforms are detected automatically.
> ./configure --prefix=/PRODUCTS/occt-6.5.3 --with-tcl=/PRODUCTS/tcltk-8.5.8/lib --with-tk=/PRODUCTS/tcltk-8.5.8/lib --with-freetype=/PRODUCTS/freetype-2.3.7 --with-ftgl=/PRODUCTS/ftgl-2.1.2 --with-gl2ps=/PRODUCTS/gl2ps-1.3.5 --with-freeimage=/PRODUCTS/freeimage-3.14.1 --with-tbb-include=/PRODUCTS/tbb30_018oss/include --with-tbb-library=/PRODUCTS/tbb30_018oss/lib/ia32/cc4.1.0_libc2.4_kernel2.6.16.21
If configure exits successfully, you can build OCCT with make command.
> make -j8 install
6. launch OCCT Draw Test Harness in order to experiment with the latter.
$ . draw.sh
> pload ALL
to load standard commands
ricorda che:
1) per lanciare uno script (*.sh), puoi usare il comando:
sh <nome_script>
2) quando passi le flag a ./configure devi mettere il path solamente del tool di terze parti che ti serve.
3) quando lanci "make -j8 install" (l'opzione -j è la stessa usata in Gentoo, puoi anche eliderla), devi essere root altrimenti non ha i permessi per scrivere in /bin....
Non credo dovresti avere problemi!